Mama B. Blog

Random musings from Mama B, mother of three. All sorts of useful and useless information for ANYONE interested in whatever strikes my fancy - from art to parenting issues to celebrity gossip etc. Check in to MamaB Blog every day for multiple updates. It's never dull here!

Friday, June 30, 2006

Gossip is WEAK Lately...

Victoria Beckham sets a new standard for moms everywhere...

Although she does look hot, is this a message for moms across the world to rip open their shirts and flaunt their bras? Could be pretty scary!

Tori Spelling is a Joke

It seems that the twice married Tori has used her father's death as a way to put the spotlight on herself. Isn't Hollywood wonderful? While the feud with her mother, Candy has only grown deeper, Spelling continues to prance around giving interviews about the tragedy of her father's passing. Basically, what it all seems to boil down to is money. For the disturbing details, go to :,2933,201529,00.html

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Jon Joseph, This is FOR YOU!

A good six minutes that I know will make you laugh!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A New Day... New Gossip

Gwyneth is now recording an album... What can we say about that? Good. Great! I'm not going to buy it. Will you? Natalie?

However, I can say that much to my surprise, Brittany Murphy has a kickin new song out with Paul Oakenfold called Faster Kill Pussycat. This will be one that I download, but for now, I just keep watching the video...I think I might have a crush on Brittany. BEWARE: YOU WILL TOO! (Jon)
Check this out...


So, where is the one that made him famous? Poor Jess. She is getting no respect here. Okay, she may have cheated on her husband (or not) but, she did play Daisy Dike!
I haven't even thought of this word in about 10 years, but I have to say that Nick Lachey is what we would call a major SCAMMER! Jess must not have been putting out because homeboy is going nuts with the ladies!

(This is a page from the next Star mag if you want to see it in person go to Safeway.
Or you can view for more poop on the scoop.)

Kate Moss is back in vogue with Burberry.

Didn't they fire her when all of the Cocaine Kate stuff came out? What a bunch of hypocrits. Like no one at Burberry has ever done blow. Uh huh, sure.

Is Brit Getting Classier?

Not! What is she doing? She is like a train wreck, going down hill with a rocket up her ass!


One last post... I refuse to put a picture of Star Jones on my blog, but for anyone who cares, Star got the big old boot from the View and there is some drama (of course) with Barbara Walters. If you care to read more, check out for every angle of this stupidity. Snoooooooze alert.

Monday, June 26, 2006

A Sad Day in The Household

I would like to request that everyone bow their heads in silence for a moment in honor of my 4 year old daughter's Japanese Fighting fish who passed sometime today. He didn't have a name, but he was part of our family for over a year. I found him floating at the bottom of the bowl (which leads me to believe that he was gone for quite a while). I contemplated whether or not my daughter needed to see the fish in his bloated state. Should I tell her that he died later or let her be a part of the process? Would it matter to her?
Well, considering this four year old and her passion for everything in life, she needed to know, immediately. At that moment, she happened by. "Why is my fish's bowl in the middle of the table?" she said, pushing the bowl back to its usual spot. "Honey, your fish isn't swimming anymore.", I replied. "The other fish is swimming though", she whimpered. "I know, honey. Your fish died." Sobs, screams and tears exploded. When the storm subsided, we discussed flushing versus burying. But, after some thought, she decided that the fish needed to be flushed, so he could go back to the ocean.
We took the bowl to a very specific toilet (not the one that the kids usually use) and began to pour the water from the fish bowl down the toilet.
When the fish's stiff body flowed over the edge of the bowl and flopped motionless into the toilet, my daughter lost it. Poor thing. It was as if the fish was one of her siblings and we were watching the dirt being cast onto it's coffin. Here was the fish that she had watched everyday as she ate breakfast. Watching it watch her. Feeding it. Touching the outside of the bowl to somehow connect with the fish. And it was gone.
I collected her distraught body and carried her to my bed where she requested to be brought. I laid her down and put her special blanket over her. Then, I wiped her tears away.
I asked her as her whimpers faded away, "Should we say a prayer for your fishy?" She looked at me with a blank stare and said, "Why? He's in the ocean."

Let's Hear From You!

Okay, I know people are reading this blog, so let's hear what you think!
Whether you agree, think this is all a bunch of B.S. or even if you think it stinks... let's hear what you think about this stuff! On the bottom of each post is a comment section, click it and speak!
Let's get some discussion going here!
Thanks guys!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Nicole and Keith Say "I Do"s

Here is the lovely couple after their wedding in Sydney today. Aren't they beautiful? Does he look sort of like Tom Cruise circa 1996?
But, I still can't help thinking of "Dead Calm" when I see her.

Road Rage Kills

Early saturday morning, two men got into a road rage fueled argument at the Marina Green in San Francisco. This is about three blocks from where we live.
A little while later, the two men found themselves at a stop light at Marina Blvd and Scott St (two blocks from our home) where 26 year old Darren Mears got out of his car.
When he approached the other driver, the guy pulled out a gun and shot Mears dead. BAM, done. 26 years old, game over. No one was willing to just be the better person and let it go. Was it worth it? The other guy was in a beat up white pick up truck with a rack on it. He shot Mears and drove off into the night. Will they ever catch the guy? Probably not.
So, the next time you find yourself getting all riled up at the old lady driving next to you, think twice about rolling down your window and pelting her with words, rocks, coffee or spit. You never know what that crazy old bitch might whip out and shoot back at you. Seriously. It could all be over in a flash.
Driving is not a personal thing unless you make it that way. Just remember, everyone on the road is trying to get somewhere. They see other cars as obstacles, not people. So, they are not trying to deliberately piss you off (usually). Just take a deep breath and think of Darren Mears when you are in that moment of road rage. Is it really worth the risk?

To read the full article on follow the link below:

Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Sexiest Couple on Earth at Their Baby Shower?

So, this is a pic of Brad and Angelina at their "baby shower"... who knows for sure, but they do look like they are enjoying themselves. Don't they?
Source: Hollywood Rag

The Godfather of Beverly Hills has passed

I am very sad to report that on friday, at the age of 83, Aaron Spelling died. He suffered a stroke on June 18 and died in his home yesterday. Everyone please take a moment to appreciate this man as our childhoods (well, actually our entire lives) would never have been the same without such TV gems as Starsky and Hutch, The Love Boat, Fantasy Island, Dynasty, The Colbys, Hotel, Hart to Hart, Charlie's Angels, TJ Hooker, Beverly Hills 90210, Melrose Place, Charmed, 7th Heaven and tons more. (Check out at for the complete list).

Our thoughts are with the Spelling family during this difficult time.
He lived a very full life and made a wonderful mark on this world.
He was truly a legend.
Rest in Peace, Mr. Spelling.

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Daily Juice

Is this sad or am I just PMSing? What has Nicole Richie done to her body?

What is wrong with Michael Jackson? Seriously. Not normal at all.

Yes, Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban are tying the knot this weekend, down unda. If you want to check out their tent and the hideous rain that is falling in Sydney, watch any of the entertainement shows tonight (ET, Access Hollywood, The Insider). They have crews all over the joint stalking the poor bride and her kids. Poor thing nearly crashed yesterday trying to escape the paps. And if you want to read more about the prenup, check out She's not gonna get screwed this time!

Poor Kelly Osborne looks like a little puppy, doesn't she? I'd probably look the same way if I was bopping around London with the Mosster! What do you suppose they are drinking?

No she didn't. Did she? Did Jessica Simpson really do this to her beautiful nose? Where did it go? Is it just the big glasses or did she actually cut the thing off? I thought it takes a few weeks to recover from this sort of thing, no? Wasn't she just photographed, like yesterday with her hairdresser on

Another Hollywood marriage down the tubes... shocker! Selma Blair and Ahmet Zappa are heading for a divorce after a whopping two years of marriage. The good thing is that they will remain friends and love each other very much. Does anyone else besides me think that most people in Hollywood views marriage like a pair of shoes... when things start feeling a little tight, it's time to trade them in for a new pair! No need to do any repairs, just throw them out and get a new pair!

It looks like Brit has gone black. All of the other bloggers put the new do down, but to be honest, I've been thinking of doing the same thing. Not to avoid any paparazzi, just for fun! You go girl. I like it, Brit!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Party Boy

Does anyone know who this cat is?
Rumor has it, he drinks the best wine in town.
Anyone ever heard of Stuhlmuller Vineyards?

The Latest Hollywood Skeleton

And the latest celebrity to join the ranks of Nicole Richie, Mischa Barton, Lindsey Lohan, Twiggy and Mia Farrow amongst many others is ...
Kate Bosworth.

Did anyone see Blue Crush? She had a rockin body in that flick, but has lost something like 20 pounds since then. What is wrong with Hollywood? Curves are good. It makes it really hard for teens and young women to maintain a healthy grasp of what beauty is when even thin is now "fat". Having three daughters, it makes me nervous for their body images.

I wish I had curves like Salma Hayek or Kate Beckinsale. Look, even Beyonce has shed a good portion of her Bootilicious curves that made her famous. What's going on here people? Hollywood needs to stop the madness and let these girls eat! The focus should not be on how thin these women are, but how FIT they are. A toned body is much sexier than a skeleton, right? Back me up on this...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I Retract That...

I said they were cute and this is just gross...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Post Secret

Have you ever seen something that is so simple, yet so powerful that you can't stop thinking about it for days? I have. This book, Post Secret. An artist named Frank Warren placed postcards in public places for people to send back to him with a creative expression of a secret that they wanted to reveal. People still send him posts to this day. He has a great website with posts at They are amazing.

Some of the postcards are funny, but many make you think or even cry. They make you realize what people have to not only endure, but to hold with them for their entire lives. They also make you realize how necessary this book is for people to be able to express themselves. It is a place where you can feel connected with humanity. A place where nothing is wrong. It is beautiful. Check it out. It would make a wonderful coffee table book or a thoughtful gift. Frank Warren is simply a genius.

Relief for Cat Fight Fever

For all of you lucky parents with kids who fight constantly (like mine), help is here! I have been doing some reading about sibling rivalry and positive techniques for relieving tension between siblings. Many of the articles that I found had similar suggestions, but I think I have some valuable information for you. When I was young, my sister and I used to fight often. So, now that I have two girls who fight, I find myself having sympathy for my younger daughter and then feeling guilty for not being unbiased. I do not want to unintentionally add fuel to the fire between these kids, so I figure education is the next best thing to therapy. Here are some pointers for parents (and other caregivers) that should help alleviate the stress of being around siblings who fight.

1. One of the most common mistakes that parents (I will just refer to all caregivers as parents to save space) make is comparing siblings. NEVER COMPARE SIBLINGS! This will just create more conflict and resentment (and more hair pulling)! Kids need to be valued for their individuality, not criticized for their differences. You don't want each child to be the same. How boring would that be?
Never make statements like "Stop doing that! Your brother never did it." or "Clean up your room, don't be messy like your sister". Sometimes we don't even realize we are saying these types of things, but just keep in mind that you never want to use anyone else's name when it comes to addressing a child, unless it is their hero and you are making a positive statement such as "Wow, you just cleaned up faster than Superman!".
2. USE POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT! Praise these kids when they are getting along, every time! Never miss an opportunity to point out when kids are getting along. This is your way to get kids to WANT to gain your attention by getting along. When they hear you say "Gosh, you guys are really playing well together, aren't you?" they will notice how good it feels to be friends.
3. SPEND AT LEAST 10 MINUTES ALONE WITH EACH KID- EVERY DAY! Even if you are just bringing one kid to the store with you, or reading a couple of books before bedtime, the more you make an effort to spend one on one time with each kid, the less they will try to get your attention by fighting with each other.
4. GIVE YOUR KIDS LOTS OF HUGS AND LOVING WORDS! The more positive energy you put into your kids, the more full of loving words and actions your kids will be. If you are constantly yelling at your kids, they will emulate your behavior and fight with those around them (ie: their brothers and sisters).
5. GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! Kids don't have as much time to focus on each other when they are on the go, especially when they are doing something that they enjoy. Take them to the zoo, the beach, the park, anywhere that they are likely to have positive experiences. Build their "fun time" together and you will give them more positive memories together. It is harder to fight with someone who you have had a lot of fun with!
6. GIVE KIDS THEIR OWN TIME. Arrange play dates for your kids, not only at your home, but also at their friends' homes. This allows kids to have their own time and space away from their siblings. Encourage kids to spend time alone in their rooms, reading a book or drawing. When kids learn how to spend time without being entertained, they have an easier time as adults finding positive things to do with their time.
7. NEVER TAKE SIDES WHEN KIDS FIGHT! Instead of trying to figure out who is in the wrong, it is best to ask children questions to gently guide them to solve problems. It is also important to talk about the feelings that they are experiencing. "I see that you two are feeling upset. I'm sure if you talk this out, you can work out a solution".
8. DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO TATTLING! Ignore it! If a kid comes to you with a story about the other child and what they said or did, tell them "I am sorry that you aren't getting along" and nothing else. Tattling is a way to try to get one up on the other sibling, don't play into it.
9. PUT TOYS IN TIME OUTS TOO! If kids do something really naughty, put them on the stairs or in a really boring place for a few minutes (one minute for each year they are old) for a time out. If kids are fighting over a particular toy, put the toy in time out. Don't take sides, just very quietly put the toy into a time out for an hour! **Keep in mind that if you don't stick to your word, kids will cry and pull out all of the stops each and every time you say no, UNTIL they get their way. If you stick to your guns, they will learn that you mean what you say.**
10. ONLY STEP IN IF THINGS GET PHYSICAL! If kids argue, tell them to take it to another room and work on a solution. Let them know that hitting, punching, hair pulling etc are not okay. If they do get physical, separate them. Let them know that physical fighting will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
11. KIDS WHO ARE TIRED, HUNGRY OR BORED ARE MORE LIKELY TO FIGHT. Keep them well tended to and the fighting should reside in about 18 years or about when they move out and go to college (just kidding...sort of).

I hope these suggestions help you. I will keep you posted if I find any other good tid bits. In the meanwhile, good luck and don't forget, it is just fine to take a time out for yourself too!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Fathers Day!

Johnny Depp has always been a huge babe. But, I sort of thought that he got a little too out there when he moved to France and started coming off as an arrogant anti-American Euro wannabe. And now, on Fathers Day, I read this quote and I am back to thinking he is a major babe.
"I was never horribly self-obsessed or wrapped up in my own weirdness, but when my daughter was born, suddenly there was clarity," he said. "I wasn't angry anymore. It was the first purely selfless moment that I had ever experienced. And it was liberating. In that moment, it's like you become something else. The real you is revealed."
I totally agree with this statement. When you become a parent, all of the importance that lies in the opinions of others and the insecurity of individuality fades away as your attention becomes focused on the precious being before you. Life is about living. It is about love. All of the other stuff doesn't matter and this is revealed freely when you have a child. Children are a gift that remind us why we are here. To love.
Happy Fathers Day.


Friday, June 16, 2006

The Daily Juice

Is this car just huge or is Christina Aguillera a mini-person? (Take the heels off and then what?)

Great, Tom Cruise is the most powerful person in Hollywood according to Forbes. How annoying.

Oh look, a Playboy Playmate... Wait, what is going on down there? Hey...
I'll leave you with a more pleasant idea of this activity by not posting a pic of what her face looks like!
The epitome of "Get a room!"

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Did Anyone in SF Feel the Quake This Am? (Besides Andrea)

At 5:24 am this morning, a 4.7 magnitude quake struck the South Bay. There was no damage reported, but in the five hours after the quake, there were at least seven aftershocks reportedly as large as 2.9, according to US Geological Survey. Check out for more info.
Personally, I didn't even feel the quake and I am usually such a chicken, I even feel the little ones! I am surprised I didn't feel this one... did you?

The Daily Dose

Is Nicole Kidman preggers? It looks like she could be in this photo taken on tuesday outside of her yoga class. I hate speculating on this kind of thing because if I were a celebrity, everyone would always think I was pregnant. But, what do you guys think? On a normally very svelt Kidman, it looks like there could be a baby belly there. Is she or isn't she?
Check out or for more...

Rachel Weiss, 35 and her husband Darren Aronofsky, 37 were seen in New York with their three week old beautiful son, Henry Chance Aronofsky. Henry was born May 31. These are great pics! Check out for more.

Happy Birthday Baby!

Happy 35th birthday to a very wonderful man... my husband. Sorry I can't bring you this gift in person honey, but you can at least look at a picture of your favorite glamorpuss, Kate Beckinsale. Hope you have a great day babe. You are the supreme GEMINI, born in the exact split of the year! And I love you! xoxo.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Best Dads of the Year

According to Life and Style Magazine, the Top Ten Dads of the Year are:

And where is Bob Michaelian? He's so good, these guys couldn't touch him!

Check source for more details:

Monday, June 12, 2006

Are you kidding me?

I have nothing more to say than there should be a legal qualification, some sort of a "driver's test" if you will, for people to become parents. This is ridiculous.

Don't these people know when enough is enough?

Source: Hollywoodrag

Olivia's Lost Boyfriend Spotted in Mexico!

I know all of you Grease fans and Xanadu lovers have been on the edge of your seats about this one, so I just want to let you know that it is almost over... Olivia Newton John's lost boyfriend, Patrick McDermott who "fell over the edge of a boat and disappeared" during a fishing trip has been spotted in Mexico by three witnesses. It seems the poor chap was facing increasing debt problems and possible jail time.

Pretty sneaky, but not sneaky enough, Pat!


Party Girl Kate is Back!

It seems that PG (party girl) is back in full drunken effect, puking after downing Jaegarmeister shots and beers and then hitting carnival rides.

What a great role model for mothers across the globe, huh? Here is the infamous Cocaine Kate photo. The puking shots would be fun to see, but haven't surfaced as of yet. Poor wreck. Rumor has it that after Kate tossed her cookies she looked ready for her cover shoot. (Maybe that's why she doesn't see the problem?)

Check out 3am for details under the title "Messy Mossy".

Matt Damon is a Daddy!

Matt Damon and his wife Luciana Bozan (or is it Barroso? This chick has diifferent last names all over the web... anywho) had a 7 pound 7 ounce baby girl named Isabella today. Baby and mother are doing very well. Yeah!!!- One more for the girls team!

The Daily Gos

Yeah!! Cars was the #1 movie at the box office this weekend bringing in $62.8 million. Not bad!

Vicky always looks chic, I'll give her that. She is always very well styled and coifed, but with as much dinero as the Beckhams have, the girls aren't looking so good. She might want to make a trip back to the good doctor for a touch up. (And we know she is in there getting her Botox regularly, so it shouldn't be much of an effort for her).

Here's a good one. Jessica Simpson and Jared Leto "might" be dating according to Star Magazine. They were seen out at clubs over the weeknd. Don't worry though, Nick Lachey is dating Vanessa Minillo. That guy gets action!! He was spotted by a reader at a post-fight party in Atlantic City.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Another Super Fun Gift Idea for the Dad Who Has Everything

You've probably seen the kids at the mall or on the street wearing these little gems, but one thing most adults don't know is that THEY COME IN ADULT SIZES TOO! Go to to check out the styles. The company is having a hard time keeping up with production so sizes are hard to find. But, you can find sizes at or If you want to go to a store to check these bad boys out, you can find stores on the Heelys website under store locator. Enter your zipcode and you'll have a handful of places to choose from. I recommend calling ahead to make sure they have sizes available.

The cool thing about these shoes is that they are super comfortable. They come in all different colors and styles. They look like skater shoes, but they have a little trick wheel inside so husbands (and fathers under 50) can get in touch with their inner child. It will be one more thing for dad to do with the kids! And, all the kids on the block will think this dad is super duper cool! Neat-o, huh?

Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Daily Goss

Okay, so I waited until the end of the day to post, but I haven't given up on you all just yet! Here is your taste of useless gossip for the day:


Oliver Hudson (aka Kate Hudson's hottie brother, aka Goldie Hawn's son) got married to his cute little girlfriend (do we really care what her name is? She looks good... ;) and he looks splendid!


Miss Lohan went to some event all "happy and groovy" feeling this weekend. Can you imagine getting all spray tanned and having your makeup and hair done and then having a picture like this taken and splashed all over the world? Poor dear. Do you think she'll get her teeth capped just like everyone else in Hollywood?

Here is some quality news... another reason why I am glad to be a non-celebrity... Toni Braxton was on stage at an event this weekend when the wind machines got a bit frisky. Good thing she has a fantastic butt... Can't say the same for this Playboy playmate (Vida Gueraa) and her airbrushing...

It's just kind of interesting to see the REAL photos, right ladies! It's good for the self-esteem!


Check out the glorious Beckhams before and after their Hollywood makeovers. Who looks better now?

In other possible celebrity news... Hugh Grant may or may not be engaged to his girlfriend (whoopie). Zack Braff and Mandy Moore have broken up (you'll get over it, I know). And lastly, in very classy form, Denise Richards is wearing a large rock on her ring finger to show that she might be engaged to her ex-best friend's not yet ex-husband (big round of applause because I know you all care). Check ya tomorrow! Toodles.


