Mama B. Blog

Random musings from Mama B, mother of three. All sorts of useful and useless information for ANYONE interested in whatever strikes my fancy - from art to parenting issues to celebrity gossip etc. Check in to MamaB Blog every day for multiple updates. It's never dull here!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Happy Fathers Day!

Johnny Depp has always been a huge babe. But, I sort of thought that he got a little too out there when he moved to France and started coming off as an arrogant anti-American Euro wannabe. And now, on Fathers Day, I read this quote and I am back to thinking he is a major babe.
"I was never horribly self-obsessed or wrapped up in my own weirdness, but when my daughter was born, suddenly there was clarity," he said. "I wasn't angry anymore. It was the first purely selfless moment that I had ever experienced. And it was liberating. In that moment, it's like you become something else. The real you is revealed."
I totally agree with this statement. When you become a parent, all of the importance that lies in the opinions of others and the insecurity of individuality fades away as your attention becomes focused on the precious being before you. Life is about living. It is about love. All of the other stuff doesn't matter and this is revealed freely when you have a child. Children are a gift that remind us why we are here. To love.
Happy Fathers Day.



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