Mama B. Blog

Random musings from Mama B, mother of three. All sorts of useful and useless information for ANYONE interested in whatever strikes my fancy - from art to parenting issues to celebrity gossip etc. Check in to MamaB Blog every day for multiple updates. It's never dull here!

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Daily Gos

Yeah!! Cars was the #1 movie at the box office this weekend bringing in $62.8 million. Not bad!

Vicky always looks chic, I'll give her that. She is always very well styled and coifed, but with as much dinero as the Beckhams have, the girls aren't looking so good. She might want to make a trip back to the good doctor for a touch up. (And we know she is in there getting her Botox regularly, so it shouldn't be much of an effort for her).

Here's a good one. Jessica Simpson and Jared Leto "might" be dating according to Star Magazine. They were seen out at clubs over the weeknd. Don't worry though, Nick Lachey is dating Vanessa Minillo. That guy gets action!! He was spotted by a reader at a post-fight party in Atlantic City.


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