Mama B. Blog

Random musings from Mama B, mother of three. All sorts of useful and useless information for ANYONE interested in whatever strikes my fancy - from art to parenting issues to celebrity gossip etc. Check in to MamaB Blog every day for multiple updates. It's never dull here!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Incredible Shrinking Husband

Many people reach their mid thirties and find themselves with a little extra bulge about the middle, a nice double chin or three, maybe a bigger rump, loose skin, dimples in the thighs, hair in the nostrils and other areas we shant discuss...sorry, I got a bit carried away. As I was saying, middle age usually means a slower metabolism and to put it bluntly, a gut. I would venture to say that MOST people find themselves in this predicament, right? Well, not my husband. Lucky dog. He's shrinking!
A few years ago he did gain a few extra pounds, but for him, that meant he actuallly filled out his 32 inch waist pants. Now, he buys 32 inch waist pants, but the truth is he's probably a 30! Damn kid has such long legs though, they probably don't make 30" waist pants for his length. Sad problem, huh? ;)
So... Detective MamaB decided to do some investigating into the case of the shrinking husband. Was it his thyroid? Rapid weight loss... (not really rapid, just a skinny guy), increased nervous energy (well... yes, but we can chalk this up to many other things as well. BTW, does every man have ADD, or just the ones I know?), larger neck with possible protruding lump over thyroid- negative. Okay, it's not a thyroid problem. The next thing that has changed over the past year or so is Bob's consumption of Green Tea. He drinks about 2 pots of this stuff a day. Googled it... diuretic. "Expect to lose at least 5 pounds over a year if drinking one cup of green tea a day". Well, BINGO! And guess what, I have a cup of green tea sitting next to me right now! Oprah has some green tea 300 thing that guarantees you will lose at least 10 lbs in 6 weeks! I'll stick to the stuff my husband is drinking though. He buys it from his favorite Sushi joint, Blowfish. It seems to have worked for him and although my goal is not to shrink away, a kick start to the old postnatal metabolism might help to bust this belly bulge (and if not, there's always the good doctor. Joking (sort of). So everybody run out and get your green tea now! Run along now ;)


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