Mama B. Blog

Random musings from Mama B, mother of three. All sorts of useful and useless information for ANYONE interested in whatever strikes my fancy - from art to parenting issues to celebrity gossip etc. Check in to MamaB Blog every day for multiple updates. It's never dull here!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Go See CARS!

Kids movies are kind of a funny genre for adults to watch. Most of the time you are bringing the kids to the movies to kill a few hours so you can sit and relax without having to entertain or referee. And most of the time, you are not truly enjoying the film you are watching. Some movies are great (Shrek, Finding Nemo, Narnia), some make you smile (Brother Bear) while others are just terrible even to the kids (Hoodwinked, Spy Kids). Cars is one of the greats. It is a treat for everyone.

The characters are cute. The animation is breathtaking. You can see light relections on each and every car of the stadium for god's sake! So many times you feel like you are actually in the amazing desert landscapes with a wide open road in front of you, or at the stadium watching the car race. It is wonderful. The first few scenes take a while to get into with big car races and loud noise. But soon you find yourself engulfed in a charming town believing that these cars are real.

I loved this film. The story is a special one that will tug at your heart strings. My kids loved this film and are still playing "Cars" everyday (and they are girls!). My husband felt it was good, but too long. And yes, I'll have to admit it is a bit long to lose yourself in animation (almost 2 hours), BUT it is worth it. The One Man Band short film in the beginning is adorable. Loved it. Ratatouille looks like it could be a fun ride. And hey, enjoy the time relaxing while your kids are surely entertained. Boys and girls, ladies and gents will all enjoy the messages and views in Cars. It is a great summer time movie for the family! Go see it!


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