Mama B. Blog

Random musings from Mama B, mother of three. All sorts of useful and useless information for ANYONE interested in whatever strikes my fancy - from art to parenting issues to celebrity gossip etc. Check in to MamaB Blog every day for multiple updates. It's never dull here!

Friday, July 21, 2006

There's Just Not That Much Going On Except...

In terms of gossip, there are two things inquiring minds might want to know.

Nicole Richie passed out while shopping at Kitson yesterday. She claimed it was due to heat but turned down food when they offered her something to eat. She did take water though (doesn't add to the waste line too much).

Secondly,at a taping for the Tonight show yesterday, a woman shouted at Colin Farrel about him stalking her. What I find so funny is that this sounds so similar to those little newspaper clips that Leno does where people say stupid things. Kind of like, if Colin is stalking you, then why are YOU shouting at him while he is doing an interview? Stalk much?

In other news... We are in World War III. In case anyone has any doubt, watch the news. It is pretty darn scary. So, here is my idea. Mama B says "maybe we all just need to pray for someone to come to earth to help everyone just get along! I don't care who you pray to, God, Allah, Buddha, L. Ron Hubbard, whoever, just PRAY! Pray for peace. Pray for the world to be calm and for everyone to stop all of this fighting. Pray for the war to end soon. Pray for the world to be a safe and peaceful place so that our children and their children can enjoy life. They deserve it. And while you are at it... Recycle, ride a bike and smile when you meet eyes with someone." I think it will work. So, tonight when you go to bed, close your eyes, listen to your breath and think about all of the good things you had in your day. Then think about the day the people of Haifa, Beirut, Baghdad, Afghanistan and Java had. That might help you think of where to start.

This world is such a beautiful place. It is a shame that people (throughout history) have been more concerned with ruling each other rather than appreciating the gift of life and celebrating it together. Have a party. Enjoy your family, friends and neighbors because you never know when this life you live will end. Make the most of it.


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