Mama B. Blog

Random musings from Mama B, mother of three. All sorts of useful and useless information for ANYONE interested in whatever strikes my fancy - from art to parenting issues to celebrity gossip etc. Check in to MamaB Blog every day for multiple updates. It's never dull here!

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Gigglin Marlin

In the Atlantic Ocean, 15 miles south of Bermuda, a 32 year old man named Ian Card was impaled by a 14 foot Marlin yesterday. The giant fish carried Card overboard on its three foot long spear and down into the water below. Before drowning, Card managed to dislodge himself from the razor sharp spike and get back to the boat. His 58 year old father was one of the people on the boat who pulled Ian from the water, with the fish still attached. Card was rushed to a hospital after a 40 minute boat ride of profuse bleeding and survived the ordeal.

The resulting wound was less than an inch away from a main artery, meaning Ian Card is a lucky man.

For more details, follow the link.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I almost had a fish THIS BIG

4:29 AM  
Blogger Mama B. said...


12:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, it is easier to leave message as Anonymous, less signing in. By the way, How did you know it was me and not seven seals?

2:50 PM  
Blogger Mama B. said...


9:52 PM  

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