Mama B. Blog

Random musings from Mama B, mother of three. All sorts of useful and useless information for ANYONE interested in whatever strikes my fancy - from art to parenting issues to celebrity gossip etc. Check in to MamaB Blog every day for multiple updates. It's never dull here!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Peace Out to the "Croc Hunta"

In a sad twist of fate, the man who regularly tempted the beasts, Steve Irwin has died. The man wrestled with alligators, crocodiles and other nasty reptiles, held his newborn baby over a pissed of croc, recently started a series devoted to his daughter and founded a successful zoo in Australia. Despite his many successes, the "Croc Hunter" danced with destiny one too many times.

Here's how it went down (according to the article):

While swimming under water and filming a segment for his daughter's show, he swam over a sting ray. It was then that he was struck in the heart by the tail of a ray. A cameraman and crew tried to revive Hunta, but he died shorty after the sting at 11am. Interestingly, a specialist noted that had he been stung anywhere else on his body, he would have survived.

Just goes to show, no matter how big of a risk taker you are, no matter how many times you have gotten away with putting your head in the croc's mouth... One day it's gonna getcha!

Side note: I really was fond of Steve Irwin and his work. Really. He seemed like a nice guy (nuts, but nice). He was very talented and an inspiration to a generation of Jack Asses that will now be even more validated in their quest to defy the odds.
R.I.P. Croc Hunta.


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