Mama B. Blog

Random musings from Mama B, mother of three. All sorts of useful and useless information for ANYONE interested in whatever strikes my fancy - from art to parenting issues to celebrity gossip etc. Check in to MamaB Blog every day for multiple updates. It's never dull here!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Do You Believe in Ghosts?

A friend of mine was up in Johnsville, California this past weekend and decided to take a side trip to the cemetary for a photo shoot. (I know it sounds a little strange, but we like to spook ourselves out every now and then.) Anyway, check out these pictures.

I asked my friend if they had a flashlight, which you can see in the lower left corner of the bottom picture. She said there was one. But, there is no logical reason why it would cause the red streak or the gold swish above the tombstone. Notice that there is no beam shining from the flashlight to connect it with either of the lights or the orbs. The other thing is that when you have a flashlight and then the flash of the camera lights up, the flash of the camera will overpower the flashlight, making the flashlight unable to light things unless they are at very close range (and even then it probably would not be visible).

I have taken a lot of photos in my life. Even at cemetaries and while on a ghost hunt. I have captured orbs, but never anything like these. No red flashes or figures in light. In the top image, when you enlarge it, there seems to be a cross legged figure slumped over in front of the tombstone. Creep out!

Johnsville is a notorious ghost town where miners used to live during the Gold Rush.
It is a place we can't wait to check out and snap our own ghostly photos!

If you are ever in San Francisco, I highly recommend the SF Ghost Hunt which goes on nightly after 8:30pm in Pacific Heights. It gives you a very cool snap shot of SF history and is lead by the very cool and very creepy Jim Fassbinder. Check out for more info!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

by publishing the pictures of these strange unpredictable ghosts, you have invited them to every halloween party you ever throw. And they will show up. At the party anyway, not on film.

1:32 AM  
Blogger Mama B. said...

How fun! Ted?

11:31 AM  

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